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Several projects going on. The first was removing the "oil on the belly." The air-oil separator I installed does a much better job than the old one. Just a guess, but I would say I had a 80%-90% reduction. That still leaves enough oil to make a mess on the cowl.

Anti Splat Aero also makes a kit to plumb the vent into the exhaust. It comes with a check valve that uses the pumping action to create a slight vacuum in the crank case. They claim it will increase power and decrease or eliminate crank case leaks.

I checked with Terry before I ordered it. He said the idea is not new. He didn't know if it would do what they claim, but he was sure it wouldn't hurt the engine.

Plumbing the vent into the exhaust is also not a new idea. The critical part is making sure the line is positioned to create a draw; back pressure would be bad. It comes with the correct geometry welded in.

Fingers crossed for a clean cowl.

10/11/2013   Picture 2262

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